The Peak Retreat Cabin is a mixture of vernacular and modern architecture. The dwelling is situated on Parti Peak where it over looks a spectacular scenery which ranges from a forest of trees to a small creek which winds throughout the landscape.
The Cabin includes a variety of design elements determined by the work of Peter Rich. These include;
- Nedeble Architecture
- Timber (primary material) - Rich uses timber as his main construction material for basically all projects. It has the most relevance and the best relationship with the African environment
- Slanted roof
- Open planned living
- Diagonal circulation
- Home split into 3 sections - communal, serving and served areas
- Big windows and openings
- Homes are raised on stilts
House as an Environmental Filter:
- Large openings and windows are utilised to maximise views, attract the entrance of sunlight and to direct ventilation movement.
- The interior fragments at the periphery (Openings and windows) to incorporate a fringe of external decks, dissolves the boundary between inside and out - allows the space inside to interact strongly with the environment.
- An angled skillion roof is implemented. As described in Ndebele architecture this heightens and exentuates the views.
-Faces South - West for optimum views.
- The use of natural timber as the primary construction material helps it to blend within the surrounding forested environment.
- The terrain is sloped from North - East to South - West and the cabin has accomodated to fit comfortably within the landscape through the utilisation of stilts. The wooden stilts rise from the ground like the surrounding trees to support the Cabin.
House as a container of Human Activities:
- The house creates a unique environment that reconciles abstract architectural ideas with the need for ordinary, everyday living.
- A design element which has been included is by dividing the site into three equal sections - Public, private and semi-private. This enhances the privacy hierachy with the bedroom and office on the mezzanine floors of the dwelling, away from the communal spaces. Necessary height is used to develop this sectioning and provides the occupant with the optimum privacy.
- Subtle changes in levels of the floors and ceiling ensures that the spaces within the Cabin are clearly defined yet have a strong vertical and horizontal continuity.
- Orthagonal spaces which are prevalent in Ndebele Architecture are open and spacious, yet simple in form. These spaces define the the communal activities and are for living and eating, two of the most important parts of the human lifestyle.
- All person flow is directed to the communal areas as the space is open, large in height and is the lowest part of the Cabin. You are drawn to this area due to the changes in levels.
- The delightful experience is not just defined by its ability to satisfy the design as an environmental filter or a container of human activities.
- Very modern and free flowing architecture heightens the senses to truly make one feel relaxed and indeed in a retreat.
- Wide open spaces allows one to feel safe and comfortable in the Cabin.
- Use of unique architecture - mainly the addition of mezzanine floors which have no walls to enhance the flowing effect adds onto the experience.
- High timber finish generates a warm and tactile feel for the building overall, which can make the experience that more delightful.
- The ability for the form of the house to frame and welcome the most spectacular views allows the occupants to interact with the environment and therefore enhance the overall senses of living within the Cabin.
Overall this design has been well established and satisfies being an environmental filter, a container of human activies and a house that is delightful. The work of Peter Rich is profound throughout the design, and enhances the aspects significantly. This Cabin is definately a retreat.